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What is the first insider trading case involving cryptocurrency?

The brother of an ex-Coinbase product manager pleaded guilty to wire fraud conspiracy, Reuters wrote. This, according to U.S. prosecutors, is the first insider trading case involving cryptocurrency. Nikhil Wahi, 26, said he had made trades based on confidential Coinbase information.

Was Coinbase brother sentenced to 10 months in prison?

The brother of a former Coinbase Global Inc. employee was sentenced in a New York federal court Tuesday to 10 months in prison for his role in what prosecutors called the first cryptocurrency insider-trading scheme. Copyright © 2023 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 87990cbe856818d5eddac44c7b1cdeb8

Was Bankman-fried a'massive' fraud?

US authorities say it was a "massive, years-long fraud". In his opening statement, prosecutor Thane Rehn said Bankman-Fried used more than $US10 billion in FTX customer funds to amass his own wealth, power and influence. Mr Rehn said he bought beachfront property in the Bahamas and donated to a nonprofit his brother founded.

Why did Judge Kaplan say crypto rubbed him the wrong way?

“You probably have a lot of company in this courtroom,” Judge Kaplan responded. The prospective juror, who was excused, said the whole concept of crypto rubbed him the wrong way, reminding him of the Ponzi scheme carried out by the disgraced financier Bernard Madoff. David Yaffe-Bellany writes about the crypto industry from San Francisco.

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